The Ferret Pit

The Ferret Pit

Yet another pointless, needless weblog that's gonna be used to get pointless and needless attention. Yay.

 Friday, June 25, 2004  

Now Playing: Unsent - Alanis Morissette --> Cold Day in July - Dixie Chicks

Tales of Lassane has officialy started! Hooray! I had my first session Monday night, and everything seemed to go well. I've got to become used to running a game in GURPS again, though (the last time I ran a GURPS game was four years ago, and then for only two sessions), and I've got to get used to GMing on IRC, but everything should be cool.

Eventually, my plan is to get logs of the campaign up on the website, or at least some form of detailed summaries. But, given how good I am with updating... *shameless grin*

Well, at any rate, we'll see.

If you're ever on mIRC and wanna lurk, we meet Monday nights at 2200 CST, on Magicstar, #lassane. Lurkers are always welcome and occasinally tolerated. :)

Y'know, this marks the first year that I've taken summer school. I've only got one class (English 102), but man, I never quite realized how insane the schedule for summer classes can be! I mean, a little over three weeks to get a ten page research paper done while writing a six page mid-term essay? I've got no doubts that I can do it (I've already got the mid-term essay done) but, geez, that's a bit more cramped than I like things to be!

And, even though I know it's wrong... I can't help but be offended by the very nature of this class. "But, Kristin," you say, "Offended about what?"

I'm offended by the fact that we're supposed to be searching for deeper meanings in these stories. My gosh, it's like all famous liteary authors had some sort of hidden agenda: God, death, insanity, the loss of Faith (Hawthorne's Young Goodman Brown... I don't care about that! And it makes me wonder if the authors' even intended for their stories to have such deep meanings.

What if these guys just wanted to write a good story? (Poe and that chick that wrote The Lotteryexcluded. They obviously had an agenda.) And what's up with that one story, Shopping? I mean, what the heck is the point of that story?

Bleh, yeah. I know this is gonna be good for me in the long-run, y'know, with me wanting to be a famous writer myself and all that... but man, if I'm ever stuck in a future Liteary college book, I'm going to go to campus' throughout the world and tell people that there was no point to the story.

"I wrote it because it sounded good at the time."

Yeah, I like that.

*goes on dreaming*

   [ posted by Kristin @ 11:28 PM ] [ ]

Monday, June 14, 2004  

Now playing: Sakura - Dance Dance Revolution

Games that I want (but can't get/afford):

-Shining Force I/II (I've got them emulated, but I want them for real.)
-Shining Force CD (For my little free Sega CD I picked up)
-Shining Force III (...but then I've gotta by a Saturn...)
-Gitaroo Man (Dear Lord, I miss this game!)
-Tales of Destiny 2 (The Japanese Import, of course... but then I'll have to learn Japanese...)


-Fear Effect: Inferno

Really, somebody that worked at Kronos needs to seriously leak that a beta copy... That's how we got Biohazard 1.5 after all! C'mon, Kronos! Feed my Hana/Rain addiction! I'm begging you!!!


   [ posted by Kristin @ 12:16 AM ] [ ]

Sunday, June 13, 2004  

Now Playing: Late Goodbye - Poets of the Fall... just like it has been for the past three hours now...

I just finished a new story - A Matter of Choice. It's a Fear Effect fanfic, because there isn't enough Fear Effect fanfiction out there.

Fear Effect is such a freakin' interesting plot, and it sucks so much because now I have no resolution. I'll never know what the connection between Rain and Mei Lin is. I'll never find out why Rain punches a mirror, or why Hana gets thrown into a mental institution, or why Earth goes to Hell. (Chinese Hell. Technically, "earth prison.") And it's all Eidos' fault.

Ha. That's why Thief got low reviews...

*sad little sigh*

Well, I know what'll cheer me right up. Screenshots of Adult Link! I got my Game Informer today! Two pages of nummy mature elf goodness. Honestly, video game characters should not be that attractive.

Solid Snake and Adult Link... I cannot decide... I WILL DATE THEM BOTH!

I know its time to go to bed when I start quoting Ranma 1/2 of all things...

   [ posted by Kristin @ 1:15 AM ] [ ]

Friday, June 04, 2004  

Now Playing: Waterfalls - TLC

The thing about video games is that I can never beat them. Well, almost never. Out of all the games I own (27, not counting PC titles), I've only beaten eight, and that is counting PC titles. Of the games that I've not beaten, I'm at the final boss/dungeon/level for four of them, and have been there for several months now. (I've been at the last boss on Metroid Prime since December.)

It's not that the final bosses are hard or anything, it's just that I have a short attention span. I owned .hack//INFECTION for four months before I sat down and played it. When I finally did, it was in a marathon session, where I played nothing but INFECTION. I beat it in four days, went out and bought MUTATION that same day, and have yet to touch MUTATION.

I remember when I got Final Fantasy IX and Tales of Destiny at the same time. I made it to the final disc of FFIX, and then spent two weeks playing Tales of Destiny (beating it) before I went back to FFIX.

Let's see, I think the only games I've ever beaten soon after buying them were: Parasite Eve 1&2, Metal Gear Solid (any of them), Legend of the Dragoon, and Fear Effect 2. That's it.

So, what does this say about me? That I should rent more games than I should buy? Well, yeah.

That I shouldn't buy another game until I've finished the ones I have? I tried that before. A week later I bought Neverwinter Nights.

That I have a short attention span?

Oh, look! Shiny things! *poings off*

   [ posted by Kristin @ 9:49 AM ] [ ]

Tuesday, June 01, 2004  

Now Playing: Fight With Seymour - Final Fantasy X

Starcrossed, the Justice League "season finale" came on Saturday night.

I am in love with the Justice League.

More specifically, I am in love with Hawkgirl.

Even more specifically, I am in love with the sheer, unadulterated, dark, "make-me-want-to-cry and curl-up-in-a-ball-and-DIE" angst-filled pit of despair that Hawkgirl has become.

Starcrossed officaly catapulted Hawkgirl right up there with Aya Brea in the "sucks to be you" category. At the risk of avoiding spoilers, I will simply say that if you like angst, then you need to watch Starcrossed.

I so cannot wait until its available on DVD...

   [ posted by Kristin @ 11:14 AM ] [ ]




Dean Koontz's Odd Thomas


Miscellanous World of Warcraft fanfiction


Saber Marionnette J Again


We Love Katamari (PS2)
Final Fantasy I&II (GBA)
World of Warcraft (PC)


02/01/2004 - 03/01/2004 03/01/2004 - 04/01/2004 04/01/2004 - 05/01/2004 05/01/2004 - 06/01/2004 06/01/2004 - 07/01/2004 07/01/2004 - 08/01/2004 09/01/2004 - 10/01/2004 10/01/2004 - 11/01/2004 11/01/2004 - 12/01/2004 12/01/2004 - 01/01/2005 01/01/2005 - 02/01/2005 02/01/2005 - 03/01/2005 03/01/2005 - 04/01/2005 05/01/2005 - 06/01/2005 09/01/2005 - 10/01/2005 10/01/2005 - 11/01/2005 11/01/2005 - 12/01/2005 01/01/2006 - 02/01/2006 04/01/2006 - 05/01/2006 01/01/2007 - 02/01/2007


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