The Ferret Pit

The Ferret Pit

Yet another pointless, needless weblog that's gonna be used to get pointless and needless attention. Yay.

 Tuesday, March 30, 2004  

Now Playing: Er... no music, but I am watching the speed run movie of Metroid Prime... If that counts...

Well, Silent Hill 3 goes back today. I'm kinda sad to see Heather leave. We've been through so much together... Creepy malls, creepy construction sites, that creepy hospital with its ultra-creepy storage room. And nothing was quite as fun as bashing random monsters over the head with a big old steel pipe. Or slashing nurses with katanas. Or shooting giant monsters that vaguely resembled teddy-bears with spikes.

But, now its time to say goodbye to her. And it's time to say Hello to Blackrose.

"Hey. You're that ninja..."

In other news, I've picked up the second and twelth volumes of the Silent Mobius graphic novels. (The last one was on sale. Yum!) It's great to see just how different the manga is from the anime, like Katsumi not being all whiny and flakey about her destiny, Nami actually having a personality outside of the "quiet one," and Rally being even more of a bad-ass, as if she wasn't a big enough one already. (I think my favorite scenes involve Kiddy and Katsumi doing their "comedy" routines.)

And then there are the scenes I could've done without. Like when the AMP girls break into Lebia's apartment to swim in her pool, apparently not caring about the fact that 1) Lebia's apartment is one big room so her bedroom overlooks the pool and 2) Lebia sleeps in the nude. Thank you, I really needed to see that.

And I never quite noticed how big of a crybaby Yuki was. I mean, dude, she spent her entire arc crying about one thing or another. Just made me want to slap the mess out of her.


I wish I could pick up volume three now, but I must wait. Payday is Monday. Monday I'll have volume three. Then I'll have to pine for Volume Four. It's a cruel, vicious cycle, I tell ya.

All right. Off to get my vehicle sticker, some food, and play some .hack//Infection. (Hey, it was on sale...)

   [ posted by Kristin @ 1:55 PM ] [ ]

Monday, March 29, 2004  

Now playing: ...uh... nothing right now...

A quick update, because I am furiously late for work.

First, I've just spent the past week playing Silent Hill 3 and Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time almost obsessively. (Rented the first, bought the latter.) SH3 is due back today but, as usual, I didn't beat it and I probably never plan to. Oh well. It was fun while it lasted. Not really scary, though.

Second, I need new anime. I want that Magic Knight Rayearth boxset, but I'm not spending $200 for it. So, I guess I'll go with my backup (Something Gundam, probably 08th MS Team or Stardust Memory). If you can think of something better (and relativily cheap) let me know.

Third, I just re-bought Fear Effect 2: Retro Helix, so now I can get started on my big Fear Effect Script Project. Which I'll probably get done with next year. :)

And, finally, I don't think my comments thingy works. Bummer.


*speeds to work*

   [ posted by Kristin @ 10:51 AM ] [ ]

Monday, March 22, 2004  

Now Playing: That 70's Show... Yes, I'm listening to it instead of watching it...

*drags herself to her computer*

DDR. Tired. So tired. And hungry. Too lazy to cook. We've got instant ramen, though.

"Am I dreaming? Didn't I have this same cup of noodles last night?

Sorry. Random Cowboy Bebop quote... Please ignore.

Anyway, my tax refund is here, and I'm debating about what to do with it. Obviously, I need a bed. Sleeping on a mattress on the floor is getting the tinest bit old.

Maybe I'll pick up the Second Season of Sailor Moon. That'd be pretty nifty. I'd really like some new anime, though. Something that I've never seen. If anybody has any suggestions (that are pretty cheap, too) email or ICQ me. Heck, you can AIM me, but I'm almost never on. (I have this thing against AIM.)

Karma Hunter (on the message boards) got Big Boss rank on Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes. Last time I checked, my rank was Weasel (or Ferret). Man, either I suck or this guy is insanely good. Probably both.

   [ posted by Kristin @ 8:12 PM ] [ ]

Wednesday, March 17, 2004  

Now Playing: Cafe - DDR

Dance Dance Revolution 5th Mix's Cafe:

"'It's up to you,' she said to me
She knew I wanted to be free.
It was a rainy Sunday afternoon
And the coffee crop was growing.

"'I want to hear your answer now.'
'I want to talk but I don't know how.'
And everybody there begin to stare
as the lady started crying.

"Let's meet in La Cafe.
Let's meet in La Cafe.

"You can see her for a month of Sundays
In a free and easy small-time cafe..."

I would've *never* remembered that on my on.

   [ posted by Kristin @ 7:42 PM ] [ ]


Now Playing: Testing 1,2,3 - Barenaked Ladies

Ha, I don't listen to all anime, y'know.

My Sailor Moon Season One DVDs showed up a couple of days ago, but I'm so pissed right now I don't even feel like squealing in delirious joy.

Work was... work was work. Which is odd because usually work is a glorious funball of hyperactivity, sugar, and six hours of me saying "Hi, can I have your order?" (I work at Wendy's.) This is odd because I honestly believe that I am the happiest cashier in all of Illinois, and I've had enough compliments given to me and my managers to actually back that up. (Well, mostly happy. The happy vibe dies off around the ninth hour or so.)

But, anyway, I went to work. My drawer was short. That bit, but it wasn't enough to destroy my vibe. My vibe was murderered around the 5 'o clock hour, or so. Because I never leave on time, and that irritates the crap out of me. Which irritates the crap out of the managers. They know what time I leave. Why can't they actually get their work done so I can leave? If they're not gonna let me leave on time, then for Heaven's sakes, stop putting me on the freakin' register so I can freakin' leave and stop bothering them with what time it is?!

And then, when I got home, my cat made me knock over my chili.

And I can't freakin' remember where I heard the phrase "a month of Sundays." It's in a song I heard. And then I heard it again while watching Tokyo Babylon. Now I can't remember the song. I wanna say it's that new Five For Fighting song. One Hundred Years.

What the heck is a month of Sundays, anyway? Why does it imply having all the time in the world?

All right. That helped. I think I'm done venting for today. Back to Neverwinter Nights.

   [ posted by Kristin @ 6:50 PM ] [ ]

Thursday, March 11, 2004  

Now Playing: Magic Knight Rayearth - Hikari to Kage Dakishimeta

I beat MGS: Twin Snakes last night. (Why'd it take so long? I started playing Dunegon Keeper 2 again.) I got Meryl's ending.

Pardon me while I giggle in ecstatic, fan-girlish delight.

*ecstatic fangirl giggle*

Meryl's cool. Super cool. I think I'll make Meryl my official role-model... minus that whole getting shot thing.

The only major beef I had with Twin Snakes was that everybody seemed to suffer from the "Xianghua Bounce Syndrome (XBS)." You know, how Xianghua's chest would um... bounce... at wierd, inappropriate times, and even when she was standing still? Well, so does everybody's hair in Twin Snakes - especially Meryl and Sniper Wolf. They'd be on screen, they'd be fine. Cut away to someone else, still fine. Cut back to them, and bounce! goes their hair. And considering the number of scenes Meryl's in... it got really old, really fast.

That, and those wierd darker patches under Snake's eyes caused by the light hitting his face. Liquid didn't have those, so I guess Snake's more tired than he let on.

And I agree with Electronic Gaming Magazine about the over-use of bullet-time.

And Jennifer Hale as Doctor Naomi... that was definitly not one of Miss Hale's better roles. (Unless Naomi is supposed to sound brain-dead throughout the game.) And what the heck happened to Naomi's accent?

And that brings up another point: Yes, I am okay with Debi Mae West playing Meryl. In fact, Debi Mae may actually be Mae Zadler, they sound so much alike. Hm... I'll have to check up on that.

Overall, Twin Snakes seems like a very well-done, worthwhile remake... Despite the fact that I kept thinking this game could've been on the Dreamcast, but that's just the XBS talking.

Kudos, Silicon Knights. Kudos to you.

   [ posted by Kristin @ 12:04 PM ] [ ]

Tuesday, March 09, 2004  

Now playing: Creepy silence...

Y'know if that clock on the screen is right, in two hours and fifteen minutes, I'm going to have my own nice and fluffy copy of Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes. That makes me more happy than mere words can possibly hope to convey.

But, then, so does sushi and my cat.

Mm... sushi...

Anyway, just thinking about my big stud-muffin traveling through his greatest adventure in glorously updated graphics... getting to stare at his nummy, stealth-suit clad body, listening to David Hayter's mostly gruff, and yet somehow emotional voice...

Yeah, my sister was right. I do need a psychologist.

Not that there's anything wrong with a healthy Solid Snake fixitation. I mean, at least I've got a thing for Solid, and not Liquid. *immature snickering ensues*

You know the best thing about Phantasy Star Online? You can create a RAmarl that looks a good deal like Snakey-poo. (Is it RAmarl? Whatever. The human RA class.) I named mine Plisken. Then the servers went down. Stupid DC version 1. But, man, he sure did have a huge rifle. *more immature snickering*

So, what have we learned today? Other than my slightly disturbing fascination with a man that will never exist in real life?

Um... nothing really. So there.

*wants a Solid Snake plushie*

   [ posted by Kristin @ 12:16 PM ] [ ]

Tuesday, March 02, 2004  

Now Playing: DDR - Boom Boom Dollar

Eight days until The Twin Snakes...

Right Stuf is a nice place. They've got entire first season of Sailor Moon for fifty bucks. Count 'em, fifty bucks! (US currency, obviously.)

Now, if only I can have it sent to my job address, all will be right with the world.

In class today, my teacher told us about this newspaper article titled "Death of an Invisible Man." It was about this guy that died in Chicago. He had no friends. No family. He was unemployed. Nobody in his neighborhood knew who he was. It was creepy. It made me feel fortunate that I won't have to die in obscurity. At least I hope not.

Anyway, I'm off to get some sushi!

   [ posted by Kristin @ 12:37 PM ] [ ]




Dean Koontz's Odd Thomas


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