Yet another pointless, needless weblog that's gonna be used to get pointless and needless attention. Yay.
Saturday, October 02, 2004
Now Playing: MegamanX3- House Hornet (Remixed by Beatdrop and Matt Pollard; Featuring Aisean)
I have this horrifying cold. And not just simple 'horrifying' either. I think this thing is an actual malevolent entity, intent on making my nose drip for as long and as irritatingly as possible. I don't sneeze (much). I'm not stuffy. I'm not even tired, achy, sleepy, or any of the other host of cold symptoms that I usually develop when I get a cold.
I just drip. And drip. And drip...
Like I said, irritating.
I recently got re-hired at my old job, Gamestop. Yes, despite firing me in the first place, they've decided that they need my help. I only work two nights a week (...leaving me with one night where I, miracle of miracles, actually get to stay home), so pretty much all the money I earn in that job goes right back into it.
Which leads me to Final Fantasy XI. Which I'm getting. Soon. Very soon.
That also reminds me of the new computer I've gotten. Well, technically it's my mom's old computer, but since it's a gazillion times better than my last one, I'm happy with this old thing. Especially since I upgraded the video card and I can now play Unreal Tournement 2004.
Did you know my cat's dead? My poor, dearly departed Quincy, of whom I can't remember ever being without, has passed on. He got into some fight, fractured a leg, had kidney failure, and developed a skin disease. My mom had him put to sleep last month.
It's wierd, though. I keep expecting him to show up at the oddest times. Like when I'm on my computer, or when I come from work. Alas... he never shall knock over my chili again... Rest in Peace, beloved furry rabbit-killing friend....
And so, that leaves Spike Spiegal as my one remaining pet... and he's a plant.
I have learned one thing, though. I'm taking more pictures of my pets. We've only got four pictures with the cat, and that's not enough.