The Ferret Pit

The Ferret Pit

Yet another pointless, needless weblog that's gonna be used to get pointless and needless attention. Yay.

 Tuesday, March 30, 2004  

Now Playing: Er... no music, but I am watching the speed run movie of Metroid Prime... If that counts...

Well, Silent Hill 3 goes back today. I'm kinda sad to see Heather leave. We've been through so much together... Creepy malls, creepy construction sites, that creepy hospital with its ultra-creepy storage room. And nothing was quite as fun as bashing random monsters over the head with a big old steel pipe. Or slashing nurses with katanas. Or shooting giant monsters that vaguely resembled teddy-bears with spikes.

But, now its time to say goodbye to her. And it's time to say Hello to Blackrose.

"Hey. You're that ninja..."

In other news, I've picked up the second and twelth volumes of the Silent Mobius graphic novels. (The last one was on sale. Yum!) It's great to see just how different the manga is from the anime, like Katsumi not being all whiny and flakey about her destiny, Nami actually having a personality outside of the "quiet one," and Rally being even more of a bad-ass, as if she wasn't a big enough one already. (I think my favorite scenes involve Kiddy and Katsumi doing their "comedy" routines.)

And then there are the scenes I could've done without. Like when the AMP girls break into Lebia's apartment to swim in her pool, apparently not caring about the fact that 1) Lebia's apartment is one big room so her bedroom overlooks the pool and 2) Lebia sleeps in the nude. Thank you, I really needed to see that.

And I never quite noticed how big of a crybaby Yuki was. I mean, dude, she spent her entire arc crying about one thing or another. Just made me want to slap the mess out of her.


I wish I could pick up volume three now, but I must wait. Payday is Monday. Monday I'll have volume three. Then I'll have to pine for Volume Four. It's a cruel, vicious cycle, I tell ya.

All right. Off to get my vehicle sticker, some food, and play some .hack//Infection. (Hey, it was on sale...)

   [ posted by Kristin @ 1:55 PM ] [ ]

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