The Ferret Pit

The Ferret Pit

Yet another pointless, needless weblog that's gonna be used to get pointless and needless attention. Yay.

 Saturday, April 10, 2004  

Now Playing: Late Goodbye (Max Payne 2 ending song) - Poets of the Fall

You know what I noticed today?

Yep, my comment thingies are gone.


I'll get around to fixing them... eventually... I guess...

*curses the unfair comment thingies*

And, on an entirely unrelated note, Ninja Gaiden is way too freakin' hard. At least for me. You need to, like, achieve nearly zen-levels of concentration to play that game. And I just don't have that type of time to commit, at this particular moment. Probably because I'm about to go to bed, but, eh...

On another unrelated note, I'm considering re-starting Sailor Moon: The Rejected Episodes. I managed to hook up with a friend I graduated with, and he agreed to play a new villian. (Since, you know, all the bad guys in SM:TRE are based off of me and my friends. I'm Stephanie. *grin*)

I went to Gamestop Thursday, to pick up a copy of Freedom Fighters (the price dropped). I walked in just in time to see a guy buy a copy of Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance for the Playstation 2.

Turns out it was the only copy of MGS2 in the store. I've been looking for that game for months, and I missed buying it by half an hour. *sigh* It was the low-point of my week.

Well, that and wasting seven bucks on that stupid roulette game, trying to win a copy of Tiger Woods 2004 so I could trade it in. I swear that game cheated. I swear it did...

I think it's time I updated my account...

   [ posted by Kristin @ 11:32 PM ] [ ]

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