Yet another pointless, needless weblog that's gonna be used to get pointless and needless attention. Yay.
Saturday, April 10, 2004
Now Playing: Warning Sign - Coldplay
Random Elfquest (1/??)...
Her name meant "river spirit," for that was what the humans called
her; a child-like ghost that hovered about the waterfalls, vanishing
at dawn's light.
To the elves she was Mist, dark of hair and violet-eyed, often seen
but never caught. For, when she wanted to be, she could be as elusive
and silent as her namesake, often catching unsuspecting prey by total
To herself she was Fehd, carefree and mischievous, lovemate to
Skychaser, wolfriend to Featherfall, and the troublesome daughter of
the chieftan Skunkstripe. She disobyed her father regularly, visiting
the humans, teasing the round-ears incessantly, and genrally being as
much of a pest as possible without actually /seeming/ like a pest. She
was good at that. She was good at many things. Thankfully, she was
exceptionally good at getting out of all the trouble she caused.
The dawn found her lazing around in her favorite tree, just outside
the hedge-wizards's hut, which itself lay on the outskirts of the
village the humans had built. Hedge-wizard was up as well, muddling
about in that patch of dirt he called a garden. In a little while he
would get fed up with the mess and start doing hedge-wizard type
stuff, which Mist still didn't quite understand. After all, if his so-
called spells were supposed to get rid of spirits, and the humans
thought Mist was a spirit, shouldn't Hedge-wizard's spells work on
her, then?
And then she remembered: Humans didn't have magic. Silly of her, to
think otherwise.
Exactly as she had predicted, Hedge-wizard garrumphed and stomped into
his hut, where she heard him rumbling around. Momements later he
limped back out, carrying a gnarled staff in his hands. He faced the
raising sun, lifted his staff, and begin singing in his thin, reedy
voice. Even though Mist was mostly fluent in the humans' tounge, the
nature of Hedge-wizard's chant/prayer/spell/whatever escaped her. It
also sounded like he'd be at it for a good long while.
Mist sighed lightly. Looked like she wasn't going to see anything
interesting today. And her stomach was telling her it was time for
Moving with sure-footed stealth through the branches, Mist dropped to
the ground almost directly behind the Hedge-wizard, confident that he
was too deep into his bleating to hear her. She trotted off into the
~One of these days, you're going to get caught.~
She smiled. ~Spying on me, love?~
~Keeping you out of danger. Skunkstripe would have my hide if he
thought the humans had you.~
She found Featherfall lying in a small glade, licking the remains of
his dinner from his mouth. She stood in front of him, hands on her
hips, and glared. "Selfish wolf, you didn't even leave me a scrap!"
The large wolf chuffed.
Mist shook her head and bent to scratch behind his ears. When she
straightened, Skychaser was standing nearby, arms folded. She studied
him obliquiely as she busied herself with a burr in Featherfall's fur.
"Well, what?" Sky-blue eyes watched her every movement with equal
parts love, concern, and irritation.
"Are you going to tell my father where I was?"
He sighed and looked away. "You didn't show yourself to any of them,
did you?"
"Not this time, no." Like her, he was dressed in a plain leather
tunic, pants, and boots, all in earthen tones. His bow was on his
back, the full quiver at his hip balanced by the short sword on the
other side. Unlike her, his hair, red as the sunset, hung unbound down
to the nape of his neck.
He still wasn't looking at her, though. "I guess not, then." He gave
her a stern glare. "But, next time..."
"Next time," she interupted as she straightened. She stepped closer to
him. Sliding her arms around his waist, she leaned up and kissed the tip of
his nose. "Let's not think about 'next time.'"
"You never think about next time," he muttered. Her soft laughter was
muffled as she kissed her way down to his chest. "In fact," he
continued, his voice growing slightly husky. "You never think at all."
"Not true," she said. Deft fingers undid his belt. "I'm thinking of
something right now." She paused to smile impishly at him. "Care to
guess what?"