The Ferret Pit

The Ferret Pit

Yet another pointless, needless weblog that's gonna be used to get pointless and needless attention. Yay.

 Monday, October 17, 2005  

Oh, and some other games that I have totally forgotten about this week:

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Second Edition for the PS2 (Ooo.. big freakin' whoop)

Fable: "The Way the Game Was Supposed to Be," er,... I'm sorry. I meant Fable: The Lost Chapters.

Shadow of the Colossus (*drools slightly*). More on this one later.

And... The Bible Game.

Yes. The Bible Game.

Who's bright idea was it to create a game that was nothing more than a trivia game with a Religious slant?

I mean, I'm not calling it a bad game (Oh, it is) or saying that it won't sell well (Oh, trust me, it won't), but, honestly? I think the mod of Hexxen called Exodus will be better than this crap. And that's being generous.

My head hurts just thinking about it...

Well, this weekend I have Devil Kings by Capcom. After playing the first stage, you may realize something...

You're really playing a revamped Dynasty Warriors.

No, bear with me. This game is Dynasty Warriors, with a few cosmetic changes. Let me elaborate:

After an opening sequence that completely leaves DW in the dust as far as extreme silliness goes, you've got your expected menu choices. Campaign, Free Mode, Vs, Options, and some other thing I didn't look at that was probably Extras. Just like DW.

When you choose Campaign, instead of the massive hordes of generals to choose from with names you can't pronounce, you've got six... with completely ludicrous names. Like, Azure Dragon, or Devil King or Venus. Yeah... they got real creative here. I went with Azure Dragon as he seemed to be the most sane of all the people... blue samurai outfit, eyepatch and all.

You then get to choose what weapons (if any) or items (if any) you'd like to take with you. There's a map. It rotates. Just like DW.

Gameplay is, essentially just like DW's. You hack, you slash, you feel like a bad ass while doing it. There's some thing with "priming" opponents and, instead of Musou, you gain Rage in some way that's not entirely clear, but it all amounts to the same thing: Lots of enemies dead in your wake.

The maps are about a quarter of the size of DW's, though. For the big smears of red and blue clashing in DW, Devil Kings gives you about five dots in total, and a square to represent the enemy general (I fought a 12 year old named Puff. How wrong is that?)

I didn't play this game probably as much as I should have, (I really lost interest after 12 year old Puff whupped my tail), but after the time I did have, I have to ask Capcom...

Did they intentionally make a parody of Dynasty Warriors? Because I can't believe they were actually serious about Devil Kings...

*plays Ninja Gaiden Black*

   [ posted by Kristin @ 12:29 AM ] [ ]

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