The Ferret Pit

The Ferret Pit

Yet another pointless, needless weblog that's gonna be used to get pointless and needless attention. Yay.

 Friday, October 14, 2005  

Now Playing:  You know... I honestly don't know. That's radio for you. I think it's U2, though. Oh, hey...  it IS U2. Where the Streets Have No Name or something. Go me.

Liathano's turning into Darth Vader, just so you  know. Or an evil Leia Skywalker.

Hand chopped off, doing the Stratholme quests to get the Lightsaber, collecting the Deathplate set and the pitch-black Redoubt Cloak. If I had a black hood, the costume would be complete.

I will be the first Jedi in a game that has absolutely NOTHING to do with Star Wars! Go me!

In other news, I found a website with a crapload of Sierra and LucasArts abandonware.

I have Loom! LOOM! That game was freaking hard and awesome all at once.

"Hi, I'm Bobbin. Are you my mother?"


Oh, and I have the Dig. Never played it before, but it's supposed to be awesome.

Sniper Elite comes out next week. "What's Sniper Elite?" you ask. It's exactly what you think it is: a game containing nothing but sniping.

Camping out in one spot... not moving for ages... waiting for just the right wind and angle...

I'm excited about this game. I'm convinced it was made JUST for me. When I get it next week, I'll be sure to spew all about its awesomeness here.

Speaking of awesomeness... Go get Indigo Prophecy! Now! Chop chop! *claps hands*

What else...

Oh! I'm going to Illinois' only Con (that I know of) Anime Reactor next weekend. Mario's flying up to go to it with me. (*purr*) And guess who's going to be there:

No, not Eidos. I'd get banned if that happened for punching out whoever's decision it was to cancel Fear Effect. (THAT'S RIGHT, EIDOS! I'M STILL PISSED!)

Wendy and Richard Pini! The people behind Elfquest! Oh freaking Em Gee.

*digs out all of her Elfquest comics to get them signed*

   [ posted by Kristin @ 12:32 PM ] [ ]

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