Yet another pointless, needless weblog that's gonna be used to get pointless and needless attention. Yay.
Sunday, October 09, 2005
Now Playing: Er... some FFV song... [changes it to Liberi Fatali] Better.
So, now... what were we talking about doing our last meeting? Eh, I don't even remember.
Highlight Reel!!!
I have, since last bothering to update:
-been unable to attend school for money reasons-
-turned 24-
-gotten an aquarium-
-gotten two jobs-
-laughed over the fact that all EBs are now Gamestops (We WON! BWAHAHA!)-
-hit 60 with Liathano-
-hit 44 with Galerunner-
-bought and adored We Love Katamari-
-played and adored Indigo Prophecy-
-bought and sorta liked Dungeon Siege II-
-decided X-Men Legends 2 is just as lackluster as the original-
-received a Gamecube and Harvest Moon: Another Wonderful Life for my birthday, both of which I've played a grand total of ten hours on since July-
-written one fanfic (Swinging Chickens) and one sorta-kinda fanfic that is really more a history of Lia's life to date-
-finished Kate Elliott's fifth book in the Crown of Stars series-
-and set to work on Koontz's novels, Odd Thomas. I expect to have it done in the week, whereupon I'll probably work some more on my Sailor Moon and/or Parasite Eve fanfiction.
In a little under two weeks now, I'll be attending Anime Reactor with my dear friend (and love interest) Mario. Wendy and Richard Pini will be there. I'm gonna get them to sign stuff and drool and fawn like the little Elfquest fan that I am.
The website, in case you haven't noticed is completely dead. I just don't feel like dealing with Geocities (and their invasive ads) anymore, and haven't bothered with finding replacement web space as of yet.
Hm... I suppose that, other than that, there hasn't really been much going in my life. Life has remained relativly dull and peaceful, save for the stress of having two jobs... a situation that might be rectified in as little as next week... Ooo...