Yet another pointless, needless weblog that's gonna be used to get pointless and needless attention. Yay.
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Now Playing: Well, let's see... My iPod stopped on... I don't know. *shrugs*
I'm not a morning person.
This should surprise no one.
And yet it does. Because it surprises me.
Every day for the past two and a half weeks, I've diligently awoken at a eye blistering 5:30am CST. This may mean nothing to you people, but when your body naturally doesn't get sleepy until 3am, going to bed early and getting up after what feels like, to you, has only been two hours can be sorta tiring.
And yet I do it. Every morning. My corpse rouses itself, stumbles into the shower, and I emerge roughly half an hour later dressed, clean, and competent. I don't doze off on the train. I don't sleep on my lunch break. I don't pass out when I get home. Physically, I'm dead to the world.
Mentally, once I open my eyes and become self-aware again, my brain kickstarts like a ferret on meth AND crack. It's irritating, really.
So, no matter how much I feel like crap when I go to bed, I'll continue to wake up with a brain whirling ten thousand miles a minute and a body going two miles an eon.
Well, in other news, Galerunner is now 49. 11 more levels until she becomes my second 60 and I finally start the raiding scene in earnest. I'm not too worried about the usual Hunter overpopulating that usually occurs, as Galerunner is fun enough (and I'm competent enough) to make myself well-known to the higher (read: more "leet") raider guilds. Between Mabri (Galbedir), Raab, Raeth, Morgrah, Ashala, Jannice, and Noram, I should find groups relatively easily. I'm actually looking forward to it.
Helluva lot more than I look forward to raiding with Lia, at any rate. Man, I despise tanking...
I miss Tophar Grace on That 70's Show.
And, wow... Robin Williams is getting old...
Well, in other news, for the past two and a half weeks, I've been working more consistently on "Force of Nature" (tentative title for my new Sailor Moon giant-fic) than ever before. This story will answer a lot of questions that I might've created with "Life's Lessons." (Namely, where's Mamoru. *grins*) Maybe I'll post the prologue when I get it done. It starts with Chibi-Usa. *waggles eyebrows and grins*
This is gonna be a long, strange trip, kiddies. A long... strange... trip...