The Ferret Pit

The Ferret Pit

Yet another pointless, needless weblog that's gonna be used to get pointless and needless attention. Yay.

 Monday, April 03, 2006  

Now Playing: Goodbye Earl - Dixie Chicks

It's finally happened. I've had "The Dream."

Y'know, you never think its going to happen. You think, "Hey, I'm too intelligent to be having this dream." And then you go to bed while waiting for World of Warcraft to reinstall, and there it is. "The Dream."

The Kim Possible Dream.

I really don't know how it happened. Seriously. I haven't watched Kim Possible in weeks. Been too busy WoWing it up on Thorium Brotherhood and watching gallons of House.

And yet, wee in the hours this morning while I troubleshot my WoW Error #132 and ran some sort of repair program and downloaded the 1.10 patch again, it happened.

I dreamed I was Kim Possible, and there was Ron Stoppable, and that black chick (Monica? Monique?). The only person missing was Wade... but in his place was Veronica Mars. (Don't ask.) Team Possible was trying to solve the mystery of a bunch of poachers. Said poachers turned out to be two Catholic priests living in the backwoods, and they almost got away with it but apparently I'm able to tell the difference between burning cinnamon and smoked venison. I don't know how but... anyway.

After a massive kung-fu action scene, right when it looked like the pot-smoking, motorcycle riding beefed-up priest was going to cut Kim from shoulder to sternum with a scapel the size of a broadsword (Seriously, don't ask...), this wolf (or a worgen, or a wolven... it was a wolf that talked) showed up, spouted some stuff, then took the blow for poor Kim.

Yeah... it was a wierd-ass dream. But it gave me ideas for my wittle Paladin. *grins*

((Seriously, though, what doesn't give me RP ideas?))

Ah well. Back to work I go.

   [ posted by Kristin @ 8:54 AM ] [ ]

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