Yet another pointless, needless weblog that's gonna be used to get pointless and needless attention. Yay.
Sunday, April 09, 2006
Now Playing: Space Channel 5 Part 2 (got the game running on the PS2.. don't ask why)
For starters, I have a livejournal, now. I don't think I'll be planning anything with it, but, eh... I've got it. Might as well use it. Or something.
Second, I've discovered that if some German law is passed, Uwe Boll won't be able to make the Fear Effect movie. Go go German legislation!
Have I told you about my new computer? It's pretty.
It's an E-machine, and I've dumped 2 gig of RAM in it and a 512mb video card. That makes this the highest end gaming machine that I've ever owned.
World of Warcraft looks pretty.
So, now, my next two purchases will be a PSP (I REALLY need to play Lumines) and a DS Lite when it becomes availble to us Yankees (for Harvest Moon DS).
Raymond's ticked off at me, since I won't take him to get his Lasik surgery done.
"So will you take me?"
"...I'll think about it."
"'Think about it?' Y'know, if it was you, I wouldn't have to think about it.'"
My original comeback to this was going to be: "That's because you're a giant dork that can't seem to understand that I have no interest in you whatsoever and the only reason why I answer the phone when you call is because my mother will pick up if I don't and then I'll be forced to talk to you anyway."
Thankfully, I kept my yap shut.
Seriously, though. May I vent? Thank you.
Raymond irritates me. Vastly, vastly, VASTLY irritates me. I wouldn't normally mind the sheer levels of irritation he creates in me, except that he seems to be completely clueless to it.
How many times can you call a person in one day?! Do you know what the LAST thing I want to hear on my Saturday off is? The damn phone ringing once an hour every hour. If it wasn't for the fact I would've forgotten to replug it later, I would've ripped the phones out the bloody jacks so I could've spent my day in silence.
I swear, when I move out, I am NOT telling him where I moved to. Or giving him my new number. The sooner he gets the hint (and it's been, what, FOUR years of me treating him like utter, insignificant crap now?) the sooner I can stop wincing every time I kick the puppy in the 'nads.
Eh... let me finish setting up my Livejournal. I'll make a, er... what's that called? Inaugoral post. Or something. Can't spell.